another is that a nightgown or is that a dress? dress. sale rack - j.crew.

explored my favorite dusty and the dirty boxes and racks - the thrifty kind. results are forthcoming. stay tuned.

shop update


All Saints

photo shoot at the thompson la.
or just me restless in my hotel room.
me and my boots are back in the city of angels for a few playful hours.

found this outside on the street the other day and hauled it in. a lot of the stuff in my apartment is from thrifting or from the trash.

new sneaks

i've been reluctantly wearing a bunch of dresses (some new and others old) to beat the heat but the thought of capturing a moment in those dresses for this blog seems insane since i look like crap. blame it on the heat wave. i'll be back when i look like the temperature is cooler than 110 degrees.