i spy with my little eye...

grannie booties on ebay. but i have a rule to only pay for ebay winnings with actual earnings so i need to sell sell sell. as always i'm keeping more than im selling. for example, scarves

and keeping

anyway, i sorted thru a few other purge-worthy items to place on auction and found these two vintage dresses. thankfully i tried them on because i remembered that i like them. yay new clothes but not.


OMG going to the gym now. i hate it. well its actually fun its just the getting there part. i much rather go shopping then have dinner and drinks.

Ebay Plaid

won this dress today. on the look out for preppy madras but haven't had too much luck so this pastel lumberjack will have to satisfy my cravings for now.

p.s. saw chloe from project runway hanging out in union sq tonight! so teany and chloe.

Mallory Keaton Strikes Again

one of my first loves...80's sweaters. Click on the pic to see its tru nostalgic glory. yaay.


saw cat power this week (don't kill me ariel but i got the tix way b4 u were back in the east coast) neway the venue sucked never again but all in all her voice is divine.


people at work either gave me the freak show face or the oooo she's so cute face all day. anyway.

way overdue outing w rahmid

he's looking cute as usual

set out in search of black shoes but no luck. i got these Tin-Man oxfords on sale

the highlight of the day was finding a tiny lil restaurant surrounded by factory looking buildings and huge over-priced loft apartments that overlook the east river. its called "1980"
proally 1 of my best hot chocolate experiences, and yes good beverages and food are experiences
baked pear and blueberries, perfect for a cold winter day
rahmids great looking sandwich

speaking of amazing delectables, my arms are turning into sausages. brace yurself, i'm actually considering joining a gym. yuck, but desperate times call for...well you know