New Orleans to build houses!!!

i've been to N.O. once a couple of years but not since katrina.
this time i spent a week there to work with habitat for humanity to build houses in the 9th ward. not a lot has been done over the past few years, everything looks like a deserted land in a far off country. this house and overgrown bushes are kinda beautiful to me, i wonder where its owners are...i actually worked with real hammers and nails and stuff. i hope i didn't mess to much up

aww this is my house on "desire" we did a lot

by the end of the building i was burnt, exhausted and burnt. (no, like seriously, i got sun poisoning and went to emergency care - was swollen and on fire) was better in a couple of days later and i'm proally the darkest i've ever been. there were a couple of times for real clothes...
got this peasant shirt from the olvera street festival in la last week. some people hate them - i clearly love them
got this dress super last minute - my version of "biz caz" hate that category of clothing, HATE but my dress me likethe ethnic part at the top is cool and i LOVE the oversized poufyness of it all

i love all the rod iron and terraces. aww man i miss paris
i want a secret courtyard like the entire french quarter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lucky duck