finally added santogold to my ipod

...ahhh is it normal to walk down the street doing karate kicks and to wait for the subway doing splits on the platform? santogolds frickin album makes you want to have a dance off with your own reflection even at 10 in the morning! after trying to control my actions with subtle arm moves and foot tapping i had to take a time out, find a corner and just dance! crazy, yes i know! (hello, i don't dance). after that brief uncontrolled moment i quickly switched to something a lil more mellow before i started swinging from the subway poles. if you don't know and are intrigued, click here and have a listen. p.s. my dear music loving friend K.M. may have an extra ticket to m.i.a for me and i just may loose control.


Me said...

well i think i may have flashed a few innocent bystandrs while listening to Sant's CD on my huge, sweaty headphones. oh the joy of beats............ohoooohhohoh

Unknown said...

I refuse to believe that you were dancing. Ive known you for 65 years and you dont dance - you two step.