the sun has been a total distraction from everything this summer - including caring about what i look like. but without it, we wouldn't have perfection and bliss like this:
mine! is black a must or a lust?
shiny pleated skirt from a.a.
at some point the other night
vintage dress, top shop oxfords, grandma's gold spiral bracelet (i've worn it every day since i stole it from my mom in may)
new shades
The MET alexander mcqueen exhibit
new boots! had to give them a whirl, even on the one of the hottest days in nyc.
time to start selling my vintage finds again. boots are expensive these days and i need a little help. sold
hot cabs on 90 degree days in nyc when my shoes = no more walk
beach time! yay! i love the beach - any kind even in new york!
to avoid getting burnt to a crisp or worse WRINKLES i wore this huge hat which i LOVE and want to wear everywhere now (but i don't).
could the beach possibly be a bit more crowded this summer because of these little guys?
wanted to bring emma but she kinda hates the heat and direct sun - baby doses for her.
still haven't found a good raincoat for emma. i need sleeves and a hood that doesn't cover her head completely!
90's "blossom" dress from U.O. Renewal on sale
simone's i drink cappuccinos from time to time
vintage mexican dress
at home
playing around with new iphone photo options
i haven't bought anything from a street fair in years. Not since i bought this great hand-dyed slip dress a million years ago that doesn't really fit anymore :( this time i bought a salsa DVD for my mom - she can't get enough.
boat ride at central park
emma loved it
two different dresses that were probably bedsheets at one point.
blue skies, blue ocean, blue umbrellas. del ray beach. i hope i can find a mini alligator head before i leave.
spring in ny. all 3 days of it.
easter my mom is crazy
while searching for summer old lady walking shoes in the old lady shoe section i found these wedges. on the right. yummy thrifted 80's flats with tassels on the left.
can't buy me love pants from zara (the real one - from the 80's). from the pull your blanket over your eyes horrible drunk nye scene.
like not aesthetically. its not that i dislike it or cannot appreciate just doesn't make me want to go home and move all of my stuff around and start apartment projects. BUT, i fell in love with the sls. machine gun lamps, hidden monkeys, porcelain horses, vintage granny chairs, alice in wonderland everything and this suite: