horrible shoe inventory went ok. i set them all out (well most of them) like i mentioned earlier. then i starred at them and tried some on. hmm who shall i rescue and who shall abandon (can only keep like 25-30 pairs due to space issues and my peace of mind).

then i got overwhelmed and took a break for brunch and cold october air. this is my new thrifted grannie shirt by the way. its a huge plus size and a creepy grannie print. so it works for me.

time to face the music

and 24 hours later here are the survivors...

i managed to squeeze them all into cubbies on the closet door and the floor and shelf.

and in more cubbies inside the closet. sorry for the stuffed closet pic (gross, yes, but i just close the door and try and forget about it).

only a few don't have homes. here:

and here:

kinda burnt out on the internet right now so i'll proally buffalo exchange the purged ones.
to be continued.