peonies are back and ready to be bought by me and live in my apartment. bought a bunch and spread them around 2 here, 3 there. my favorite flower of all time definitely or for now at least!

then i went home for mother's day and saw what my lucky parents are greeted with everyday outside of their back door.

me - at home taking pictures of myself always

scout & my birks (my feet are 195 years old, have i told you that recently?)

we all made tacos - its was pretty fun. contemplating my own taco night.

and just to loop you in on my boring daily wear here are some pics from last week (sad for me, life is too short to be so boring looking but sometimes - like when it rains or is cloudy EVERY SINGLE DAY i just don't care).
its getting annoying how much i need new jeans.

vintage shirt and japanese canvas sneaks.

wearing the hell out of this bag - but its 2nd, 3rd and 4th hand tho - will fall apart if i don't give it a break.
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