i miss music

res - golden boys

talib kweli & hi-tek - the blast
as i stuffed all my belongings into my coin bag on a string aka flea market found red quilty bag i realized i really needed a new bag for fall, a spacious bag. this fringy leathery thing is from my trip home.p.s. saw serena (blake) taping a scene of gossip girl this morning in time square. exciting. her hair looked great. mine - not so much
what he wore today: m
went home for the weekend

my mother made a poached egg for me, it was good but maybe i got a lil aggressive with the pepper
rained ALL WEEKEND but i still got to take scout for a walk. the humidity was gross but the mist was fantastic. no one was outside, just us.

anddddd i even got in some thrifting with ariel. got a couple of winners. stay tuned for close-ups (click on the picture to enlarge in the meantime).
a good day to start cooking - the first day of autumn. i made some sort of veggie mish-mosh. squash is in there too somewhere. added some potatoes and voila. it actually wasn't bad!!
got this stuff today. i BETTER be selling my stuff at the flea very soon

i fell in love today

courtney's friend jah is puppy sitting. us: sitting next to the apartment on 13th where apparently rosario dawson got discovered for her role in kids.

i think i love all dogs
look at my clothes, its like neon bible!!!
new thrifted dress that i got hemmed and its still too long for the dream i imagined when i found it last week. annoying.

broken sleeves

1 of my best vintage shirts that's the perfect shade of peach and that has the cutest lil white bows on it is sick, broken, not well. at least one sleeve is, its lost its elastic and now it just hangs. boo just look at it - tear.

silence & noise and super tight - maybe they'll stretch. all my skinnys have holes, and patches and more holes. need new jeans

i'm soooooooo starting a heath kick - just not today.

happy birthday uncle johnny

stole this from my favorite lil cousin's (shannon) facebook. i'm a picture thief but they're both so cute here together that i couldn't resist.

new dress

suppose to be laying low on retail but does f21 count? its not even a real store. AND i'm being a trend offender but that's allowed sometimes especially when its cheap.
really? really? another pair of shoes with holes? and these aren't even second hand!!!
spotted on ave a and 6th (right by benny's) - an oversized porcelain doll walking her 2 tiny doggies wearing a long white peasant skirt and red and white striped long shirt. finally! was jealous of the papz always seeing her downtown and me never. i also randomly saw claire danes walking down clinton street today. aww man i still love you jordan catalano!

i love my jumper

i FINALLY saw the dark knight like 3 months late. it was sooooo good. o heath

my former cube mates (the best seat/view at work that i've EVER had) went to a sample sale a trillion years ago and got the same fp dress.

Ah what can i say?

happy september? yay to the short work week? went a lil overboard with the cheesy efx today, sowwy. today my "beach hair" looked more like swamp hair...as it will for the reminder of the week. thanks! um
best part of the long last of summer weekend - my grannies are back! * 1 "right on" arm thrust. make that a double "right on" arm thrust - both arms! the cobbler didn't murder them like i thought he might. see ya later wet feet