necklaces galore
started my day at tokyo 7 to get cash for my hair appointment. took a few things there last month that i knew would have been sold by now - jackpot. of course i only make it a few steps down the block before i start spending it...ridic. found this cute lil recycled clothing store: AuH2O and fell in love with most of their jewelry.

i'm almost camouflaged, blending into all of the girly dresses and accessories
yes, i'm wearing birks and yes, i love them
wanted a new locket. i like this one better than the one i've been wearing for a while.
i'll be going back for more!
alternative earth is the way to go
court and i found a tiny thrift shop last spring on the east side in the 30's i think...she got an amazing long pleated skirt and i got this denim vest. where is your skirt courtney? and if you don't wear it give it to me!!!!
h&m has classic pieces?
finally added santogold to my ipod
...ahhh is it normal to walk down the street doing karate kicks and to wait for the subway doing splits on the platform? santogolds frickin album makes you want to have a dance off with your own reflection even at 10 in the morning! after trying to control my actions with subtle arm moves and foot tapping i had to take a time out, find a corner and just dance! crazy, yes i know! (hello, i don't dance). after that brief uncontrolled moment i quickly switched to something a lil more mellow before i started swinging from the subway poles. if you don't know and are intrigued, click here and have a listen. p.s. my dear music loving friend K.M. may have an extra ticket to m.i.a for me and i just may loose control.
where have all the fleas gone?
errands: took the grandma ariel dress ( the vintage plaid one i won on ebay a few months ago that i swear my own grandmother, ariel, would have worn) and a cream dress i got from the flea on A a million yrs ago to the cleaners to get hemmed. i was in a such a rush to get a smoothie and a tofu dog from liquiteria that i didn't try the dresses on so i'm a lil nervous to see the end result next week. too short, too long who knows.
went for a rather long bike ride and stumbled upon jill ( from the real housewives nyc show) fabric store. didn't go in but i wondered where it was when i watched the show. its far downtown like chinatown-ish. p.s. supposedly they're making a season 2.
and i must admit i got a lil excited when i saw pacey aka joshua jackson and diane kruger walking down bowery (they remind you that its really cute to be in a stylish couple) sorry no pics i never do that w/celebs minding their own business just walking around in the city. but here is a pic of my not so nice looking hair. going in for much needed deep condition and trim next sat.
most annoying shoes ever...very cute gold grecian t-strap look but they slip off in the back, maybe i'll make another hole in the strap, otherwise they gotta go.
me and my pony (or my super giant bike) its still a show stopper. y do bike seats feel like u went hiking in new high heels if you haven't rode in a while? jeez. after a million hours of riding my bike my bum is sore and my legs feel like feathers. perhaps going to the gym once every 2 months isn't enuff
up and down and around and not a flea insight...where have all the flea markets below 14th gone? :(
I'd burn all leggings
memory lane - the parachutes album, just kill me
i can't stop listening to old coldplay, on my ipod, at work, at home... i've been od-ing on repeat since new olreans...
Don't Panic
hate to say it but i wasn't that happy with the nyc show i saw a few years ago. but that won't stop me from stalking their new tour, supposedly they know they were lame in ny and thats why they have that 1 free show coming up.
Don't Panic
hate to say it but i wasn't that happy with the nyc show i saw a few years ago. but that won't stop me from stalking their new tour, supposedly they know they were lame in ny and thats why they have that 1 free show coming up.
god bless pinkberry
(and bloc party of course, i love those boys) but neway yes, i am for sure the last person on earth to experience pinkberry . i tried to check it out last year but the one on spring was always packed. lame. then 1 opened a block away from my apartment last winter but to be honest there are like 3 versions of pinkberry within 2 blocks so i wasn't in a rush. my bad, i had the original tonight. yumm. i want more. 
do these jeans look as bad in person as they do in pictures? EWWW
do these jeans look as bad in person as they do in pictures? EWWW
old habits die hard
went home for a make-up mothers day weekend and ended up shopping till i dropped. something about the burbs makes u loose it. in the city i never spend my rent money on clothes (well not in the last year because i'm suppose to be financially mature now and everything )
yeah i got three - over did it for sure $$$$$$
the nicole dress is in the middle. looks diff on then on the hanger- o so granny cute.
CAN NOT wait to wear the khaki looking one on the left. its really baggy on top then super tight at the waist then long with pockets. i'm in love. need an AA tube bra thing to wear with it...what color should i get?
and i guess this is my new carrie dress, dainty and cute. kinda baggy on me but thats sorta my style
i got some other dumb stuff too and i did manage to squeeze in a gift for my mom :)
p.s. played with scout, the wolf-like puppy while i was home. i blew bubbles - he ate them. he's so big its like ehhh but he's actually very sweet so i can't be size-ist, that's just not right. no guard dog here, just an over-sized cuddler
yeah i got three - over did it for sure $$$$$$
the nicole dress is in the middle. looks diff on then on the hanger- o so granny cute.
CAN NOT wait to wear the khaki looking one on the left. its really baggy on top then super tight at the waist then long with pockets. i'm in love. need an AA tube bra thing to wear with it...what color should i get?
p.s. played with scout, the wolf-like puppy while i was home. i blew bubbles - he ate them. he's so big its like ehhh but he's actually very sweet so i can't be size-ist, that's just not right. no guard dog here, just an over-sized cuddler
New Orleans to build houses!!!
i've been to N.O. once a couple of years but not since katrina.
this time i spent a week there to work with habitat for humanity to build houses in the 9th ward. not a lot has been done over the past few years, everything looks like a deserted land in a far off country. this house and overgrown bushes are kinda beautiful to me, i wonder where its owners are...
i actually worked with real hammers and nails and stuff. i hope i didn't mess to much up

aww this is my house on "desire" we did a lot

by the end of the building i was burnt, exhausted and burnt. (no, like seriously, i got sun poisoning and went to emergency care - was swollen and on fire) was better in a couple of days later and i'm proally the darkest i've ever been.
there were a couple of times for real clothes...
got this peasant shirt from the olvera street festival in la last week. some people hate them - i clearly love them
got this dress super last minute - my version of "biz caz" hate that category of clothing, HATE but my dress me like
the ethnic part at the top is cool and i LOVE the oversized poufyness of it all

i love all the rod iron and terraces. aww man i miss paris
i want a secret courtyard like the entire french quarter
this time i spent a week there to work with habitat for humanity to build houses in the 9th ward. not a lot has been done over the past few years, everything looks like a deserted land in a far off country. this house and overgrown bushes are kinda beautiful to me, i wonder where its owners are...
by the end of the building i was burnt, exhausted and burnt. (no, like seriously, i got sun poisoning and went to emergency care - was swollen and on fire) was better in a couple of days later and i'm proally the darkest i've ever been.
got this peasant shirt from the olvera street festival in la last week. some people hate them - i clearly love them
got this dress super last minute - my version of "biz caz" hate that category of clothing, HATE but my dress me like
i love all the rod iron and terraces. aww man i miss paris
i want a secret courtyard like the entire french quarter
no time for west coast thrifting
where theres a will theres a way but i was only there for like a second for work. o sunny santa monica
going crazy over the green chair at viceroy. the green everything at the viceroy

i look pregnant with 16 cows in this shirt but the color makes me glow golden brown-ness so i love it

i love the bathroom. MORE GREEN. got a bunch of compliments on this dress i should just take it with me to new orleans
my ruined mexican dress thing that i still love

i look pregnant with 16 cows in this shirt but the color makes me glow golden brown-ness so i love it
i love the bathroom. MORE GREEN. got a bunch of compliments on this dress i should just take it with me to new orleans
really old boots
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