My New Favorite Old Shirt

Autum Layers

yay or nay?
Veggie Sausage Fingers
40 Bond St.

btw: tonight is another warm October 80 degree-er.
Hair Shot
ies (mtvU award show) are coming up next month, I don't even know who's performing this year. I went last year and the year before. '05 fav was def Death Cab (death cab I LOVE U) and '06 was def TV on the Radio (not Gym Class - sorry James I know Trav is yur baby and all - and I agree that he's cute for sure but I'm a fan of TVOTR for their actual music).
Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body
TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body
TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
Too many jackets and nothing to wear

p.s. I found great brown riding boots today that remind me of the ones I had in 8th grade - traded those brown ankle boats and some other stuff to cover the cost.
Longest Work Week Ever
This is how I feel after the longest work ever...maybe next week will be better :/
Genie Sofa at michaels office

p.s. walking up w.houston (near 6th ave) we saw jeffrey from project runway. 1, yay project runway starts soon and 2, YES, his neck is even weirder looking in real life.
Couple of summer '07 favorites
Justice - D.A.N.C.E. Me: love
J Dilla - Nothing Like This. Me: speechless
A certain music loving person in my life (michael) suggested that I post music that I like on this blog. I'm no longer opposed to the idea- it might be exciting to reflect and see what I was into and when. So anyway, I only chose 2 of my summer loves to post. Months later and I still can't get enough of them.
btw. I just caught the cute Fiest shout out in D.A.N.C.E months and months after listening to it. I'm slow.
Sincerely, Bigfoot

No I'm not dressed as a petite man, this is James. James has a real job, with pink carpets - and they force him to wear biz caz

this is me

I feel like my feet look HUGE in these boots :( They're 8.5 instead of my real size 8, but I was desperado for leather ankle boots and they look so good for vintage. Argh. I think I'm over them already
Holding on for NO reason

no, I'm not 5 months pregnant! just a really bad angle of a very loose shirt. i promise, i swear!
this shirt was suppose be in the purge pile LAST WINTER
the shoes are going too - they feel bulky

Searching for fleas in the e.v. and came to a couple of very sad confirmations. 1. The Ave A flea is def forever long gone and closed down after 11 years. and 2. Suzette Sundays is closing down next month after 5 years. And now a moment of silence...Anyway, I found Basquiat spray painted on a wall. Aww

walked past a few stoop sales today, courtney got a colorful belt

I got a Mexican looking jumper...guess I'm really into the red and purple thing
Sloppy Uniform
Classic or maybe just boring.
Ahh 70 degrees isn't exactly Autumn
Autumn has indeed arrived.
Grab your Neon Bible!

Saturday Arcade Fire told us that they wouldn't be back in the states for at least 2 years. Bad news all the way and kinda ironic since Ariel is off to Oregon then San Diego on Monday. She only has a 1 way ticket, so on Saturday I said good bye to a few of my favorites.
btw. my black fake keds from Japan got pretty dirty, but it was worth it.

These pics blow. But I love the 60's cream vest that I thrifted 2 weeks ago, it has great gold buttons. I really sacrificed my body temperature by wearing knee length moccasin boots (slouched down real low). Why o why is it still 85 degrees I ask. Plan on wearing this ensemble within the month and will take an accurate picture.

It's scary that I own a vintage sweater vest that could very well belong in Ugly Betty's wardrobe.
p.s. My Tokyo 7 money came in CHACHINGG and I'm going shopping. I want new jeans and black heels. I HATE wearing black shoes except for my ugly tall police boots but I need an actual black shoe (not a flat & not a boot) to wear with tights.
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