After work I headed downtown with Joe in search of a navy sweater vest. He wanted a hoodie and jeans for his trip to France and I wanted the sweater vest because one, I'm a nerd and two, I'll have an excuse to hold on to my too tight, need to give up button down shirts that can nicely fit under (Ahaaa!) He scored yet
another button down from Supreme, a nice addition to what I call his "private school shirt collection". Hello I spent way too many years in private school to not know a uniform when I see it. Anyway, neither of us had too much luck with our goal items of the day so we parted ways.
On my walk home I stopped into the new Forever 21 on Broadway. I know, I know, it's totally off limits but I heard from a secret teenaged spy that they have colored jeans so I thought I'd check them out. My eyes went straight for the navy stretch skinny jeans. Hate to say it but they were perfect, unfortunelty I kinda looked out of control in them so I had to pass up.
Here's a pic of me in My Uniform (photographed Susie Bubbles Style)