Casually Frenchy

Pics are ridiculously dark but when I use flash it takes over in the mirrors reflection. So I'm adding a couple of pictures with flash and without a mirror so that the real colors can be seen.
On another note - I got a new vintage dress today :) lavender with thin yellow stripes. Spring is not in the air (it's like 26 degrees outside) but I don't care!

Ewwww, I wear jeans way too much

600% not in the mood for skirts or pants this year so I'm gonna try to throw a few dresses into the mix. Purged my closet about 3x since the beginning of January and still I have issues getting dressed in the morning :( Courtney says I'm going through a fashion metamorphosis. I just want to get my closet down to housing only everything I love. So getting dressed should never be an issue because I will be dying to wear everything I own, right?

This blue shirt fits me weird

I can't fill the top part up and I NEED to let it go. But I enjoy the concept and the pattern so I hold on to it and roll my eyes every time I reach for it to put on.

Tent dress gone bad

Ok so my shirt/dress thing I'm wearing looks horrible in the picture but Ariel ( my lil' sister) took my picture while tipsy off of apple juice. She came over, had some juice and got really giddy...she claims it was from the juice. So anyway this shirt fiasco thing I got from a flea market as a ankle length dress and I cut into a mini all while trying my hardest to preserve the cool trim at the bottom. The mini dress came out way too short and only wore it once like that. But I wear it as a long shirt thingy all the time and i love it. The super dark picture that you can barley see is the same day just with my coat on.

January 12th was seriously my last entry?

There really is no excuse for this, for my lack of interest in my own style diary. But I vaguely remember having these same issues in 5th grade with my actual diary. I'd be so excited to get a new journal at Christmas almost EVERY year and would always forget to write in it. Whatever...certain things never change.

Why am I so LAZZZYYY?

It's been dayssss since I've posted. I originally intended to take pictures EVERYDAY no matter what so that a year from now I could note my fashion evolution. So much for that! But I'm posting a few pics tonight as for the rest of the week - I dunno.

Polyester SUCKS but this vintage shirt makes me smile so I had to add it this year to my collection of "Lady, don't get anymore thrifted poly anythings, PLEASE!" Had a belt on over my shirt- around my waist ( the tan/brown/sorta one Courtney gave me) but I have to wear a belt with these jeans since the waist is loose and I can not do the double belt thing for longer than 1 hour - I feel like I'm all tied up BOO!

I got a lot of compliments today on my outfit which is always nice. I purged my closets like a maniac this weekend and this vintage sweater vest was one of the two things I traded all my purged stuff for (was only suppose to get credit or cash since trading for clothes would be a LITTLE counterproductive)

Boring, yeah but I'm pretty boring so so what. Love my oxfords. I only wish I kept my private school oxfords - would so wear them now.

No comment means I don't likey my outfity - no comment

Puff Sleeves

Ok so I wanna say about 4 or maybe 5 years ago I became OBSESSED with puffy sleeves, shoulders, whatever. I guess it was just a phase I went though before MaryKate Syndrome attacked me and after my baggy pants and heels uniform phase. But now I'm not so in love with a puff shoulder. I feel like I look like football player...if it's not the right amount of puff then no thanks. Not sure if the puff on this vintage Diane Von Furstenburg pink sweater is cute or football player... but I dealt.

Errands...not much else

I need layers in my life btw. The more the better. I have like 3 shirts under this gigantic hoodie.
Dark pic so I'll describe: Huge navy hoodie, free people wool shorts ( thanks Ari) black tights and vintage flip over leather boots

Street Art...LES

I wish my wall at work looked like this

Lunch New Years Day ...Elizabeth Street

I once only liked this dress and wore it like once a year (I've had it for a few years). Now I love it for some reason and want to wear it once a month or whenever I feel like it basically. Can't remember where I thrifted it tho...hmmm

Happy New Years...Leftover Balloons